It was during April and May 2011 that I brought together on my other blog - "The Room of Grace", some of those awkward questions that might encourage people who are being drawn away from 'traditional' Christianity. I suggested that there might be an enormous difference between the Christian RELIGION and the Christian FAITH.
It became obvious that there was far too much material on the blog, especially for people who were perhaps only beginning to explore that world outside the box of 'traditional' Christianity.
It was in the Spring of 2010 that I found "The Undefended Life" by Simon Walker that seemed to sum up so much of what I understood about the Christian FAITH. About the same time I was introduced to the writings of Richard Holloway that just reinforced my understanding of the enormous difference between the Christian RELIGION and the Christian FAITH.
I have collected together more of my writing on this blog - all of which can be found in the Blog Archive for May 2011.
The starting point for the blog is "The End of Religion" with a little personal background in "The Hare and the Tortoise".
As always I appreciate any comments that people might have.